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Concussions / Traumatic Brain Injuries

Dr. Guillemette's has over 300 hours in neurological studies and is accredited by the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (D.A.C.N.B). Dr. Guillemette was actually taught by the same people who helped get "Sydney Crosby" back on the ice after his head injury. Patients' are provided with therapeutic and rehabilitative therapies specific to their needs.

It's never too late! Come on in and see what Dr. Guillemette can do for you!

abstract brain.jpg

Concussion symptoms

Here are a few concussion symptoms you may be experiencing following your concussion.

- Headaches

- Feelings of Dizziness

- Nausea and/or Vomiting

- Noise Sensitivity, Easily Upset by Loud Noise

- Sleep Disturbances

- Fatigue, Tired More Easily

- Being Irritable, Easily Angered

- Feeling Depressed or Tearful

- Feeling Frustrated or Impatient

- Forgetfulness, Poor Memory

- Poor Concentration

- Taking Longer to Think

- Blurred Vision

- Light Sensitivity, Easily Upset by Bright Lights

- Double Vision

- Restlessness




Video nystagmagraphy (VNG) –The VNG is a diagnostic tool that has historically been used to assess vestibular dysfunction with patients. Considering the VNG records eye movements it has the capabilities to monitor and statistically quantifying smooth pursuits eye movements, spontaneous nystagmus, optokinetic eye movements, and saccadic eye movements. Literature has found that specific eye movement can be associated with most concussion patients (Ventura, 2014). Additionally by understand the neurological mechanism that are required to perform eye movements, an adept healthcare provider is able to provide rehabilitative therapies for the identified deficiencies. 

Eye movement therapy, horizontal smooth pursuits
Eye movement therapy, vertical smooth pursuits
Eye movement therapy, spontaneous nystagmus
Dr. Guillemette with Videonystagmography
Dr. Guillemette with Videonystagmography
Eye movement therapy, visual gain
Eye movement therapy, optokietics
platform for comprehensive assessment of postural sway
platform for comprehensive assessment of postural sway
chart for comprehensive assessment of postural sway


Saccadometer – The saccadometer is a diagnostic tool with the purpose of measuring saccadic eye movements. This tool can assess the speed, accuracy, velocity, and phase of saccadic eye movements. Current literature has found that abnormalities in saccades can be traced to the majority of individuals who have suffered from concussions (Pearson, 2007). 


CAPS (comprehensive assessment of postural sway) – CAPS is another diagnostic equipment that will be used by The Neuro Edge in the assessment of traumatic brain injuries. It has been determine in current literature that balance can be a very useful tool in identifying if an individual has sustain a brain injury (Basford, 2003). Dr. Guillemette understands the significance of balance and how it related to brain function. CAPS system analyses the patient based on their height, weight, age, and the standards of performance that should be normally achieved. CAPS can also be used to target specific vestibular canals to determine if there are any abnormalities. 

Dr. Eric Guillemette with saccadometer
Saccadometer chart of latency profile
Saccadometer chart of velocity profile
Saccadometer chart of position profile


The Neurological examination is another extremely important aspect in the diagnosis and management of individuals who have suffered from TBI’s.  Brain injuries are different for each individual, which is why examinations need to be comprehensive (Stewart, 2012). Examining each aspect of the brains neurological function is necessary in order to truly identify the area of the brain in need of rehabilitation.

Diagnostic Tools
Specialized Therapies

COncussion Treatment

Apart from the specialized diagnostic information that is utilized by Dr. Guillemette, there is also unique instrumentation used to provide receptor-based therapy to target specific brain centers. Here is a list of some of the therapeutic devices used by Dr. Guillemette. This list does not include all the devices but it does list some of the most common ones used.

Concussion Treatment Devices

PONS Stimulation

Pons Stimulation is a type of therapy that has been getting some good attention in recent years for patients suffering from a concussion. There are a few different ways you can perform PONS stimulation. The purpose of PONS stimulation is to stimulate the central part of your brain called the PONS. These is most commonly done with an electrical current around your face or mouth. 

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Vagus Nerve Stimulation has been getting a lot of attention for all sorts of different neurological condition like concussions. Your vagus nerve your X cranial nerve and is plays a very important role in controlling your parasympathetic function. One of the ways your vagus nerve is stimulated is with a specific electric nerve device that connects to your ear. 

Electrical Stimulation

Similarly to the PONS stimulation and Vagus nerve stimulation there are many different other forms of the electrical devices that can be used to provoke neurological changes within the body. Electrical simulation can be used for pain inhibition, muscle contraction, vestibular stimulation and many more application. The location and type of electrical current used can have significant impacts on the body. 

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen Therapy is broadly used to describe a change in oxygen levels within the body. Sometimes that refers to hyperbaric oxygen therapy and other times its something as symptoms are increasing diagram and lung movement to increase oxygen intake. Oxygen is detrimental for brain function and necessary to make your neurons and brain change.  

Ear Insufflation

Ear insufflation is a relatively new approach to helping patients with neurological disorders. Ear insufflation makes very subtle changes in pressure in the ear which can be very helpful with patients suffering from headaches and migraines. 


Photobiomudulation has many different names depending on the literature you are using. Put simply it's the use of light to make changes within the body. There are many different kinds of light therapy and depending on the intensity of the laser/lights that can have significantly different results. Light therapy has the unique ability to to penetrate deep inside inside to the body to create change on the neuronal levels. 

Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy uses vibration on different parts of the body in order to elicit long term changes with the patients. Vibration therapy can commonly be seen with patients suffering from many different kinds of movements disorders. 

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is one of the most popular types of rehabilitation options used for patients suffering from complex neurological disorders. It's the application of vision (pursuits, saccades, vergence, optokinetics, gaze holding) to help rehabilitate the patients neurological deficits. Your vision is intricately linked to brain function. 

Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular therapy is a type of balance training aimed at improving your stability. Your eyes, inner ears, and vestibular system all play an important role in maintaining your stability. Therefore vestibular therapy can focus on any one of those systems in order to facilitate improvements with your stability. 

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a common therapy used as many patient suffer from problems with auditory stimulation following head traumas. Sound therapy is simple the use of sound to help stimulate brain function. Sound therapy may be aimed towards one ear compared to the other or may look at different pitches or frequencies to help push your brain. 


Basford, Jeffrey R., Li-Shan Chou, Kenton R. Kaufman, Robert H. Brey, Ann Walker, James F. Malec, Anne M. Moessner, and Allen W. Brown. "An Assessment of Gait and Balance Deficits after Traumatic Brain Injury." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 84.3 (2003): 343-49. Web.


Pearson, B. C., K. R. Armitage, C. W M Horner, and R. H S Carpenter. "Saccadometry: The Possible Application of Latency Distribution Measurement for Monitoring Concussion." British Journal of Sports Medicine 41.9 (2007): 610-12. Web.


Stewart, Gregory W., Emily McQueen-Borden, Roberta A. Bell, Thomas Barr, and Jenifer Juengling. "COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ATHLETES WITH SPORT CONCUSSION." The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 7.4 (2012): 433-47. Print.


Ventura RE, Balcer LJ, Galetta SL. The neuro-ophthalmology of head trauma. Lancet Neurol. 2014 Oct;13(10):1006-16. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(14)70111-5. Review. PubMed PMID: 25231523.

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